As an entrepreneur you’ll be familiar with the freedom that flexibility can bring. Staying financially nimble and engaging the talent you need to guide you through the early stages of business growth increases confidence and will help you avoid the pitfalls.

Flexible CFO Limited provides a flexible, part-time finance director resource to bridge the gap until you need a full time employee. This could be an hour a week, three days a month, a couple days a week or any permutation – it’s completely flexible.

In April 2004, Skype had six employees and no revenue. They didn't need a full-time Finance Director but they needed a senior Finance person in the team part-time. They brought in Ian Fulton of Flexible CFO Limited two days a week. Less than 2 years later, Skype was sold to eBay for €2.5 billion.

For a confidential chat call Ian Fulton on +44 (0)7802 304600