What we offer

Here are some examples on scenarios where we can help. However even if your situation is different please get in touch to discuss.

A part time Finance Director / CFO
Your company is at a stage where it does not yet need a full time CFO, but requires a senior level financial resource. We provide a part time, on-site service with additional access by telephone and email.

Interim CFO cover
Where your CFO leaves and a full-time replacement cannot be hired in time. We offer support during this time to bridge the gap, assist in the recruitment of a replacement and transition out.

Interim resource during a period of high activity
Where a company has a specific project that requires specialist assistance such as:
• Managing turnaround situations.
• Producing financial information for a business plan.
• Developing budgets.
• Supporting fund raising.
• Assisting with acquisitions - due diligence and integration.
• Preparing and assisting with the negotiations leading to the sale of all, or part, of a business.
• Moving into new countries.

Independent review of your business
Where a company requires an independent review such as:
• Critical review of the business, its revenue, expense run rates and profitability. Report on recommendations for change.
• Detailed review of balance sheet to ensure it is fairly stated and note any areas of concern.
• Report on systems, procedures and controls together with any recommendations for improvement.
• Review of major sales contracts and related maintenance revenue streams and report on any revenue recognition issues.
These reviews can be prepared for the Board or on the instructions of an investor.